Sky-high from Shanghai

Her job brought her here. He followed. Because lovebirds stick together.

The journey took him from sky-high Shanghai, population 34 million… to Kingston, home of the Tragically Hip, population 117 thousand at a stretch.

These urban lovebirds had a stint in Vancouver in between, but now they’re here, in this beautiful city, and on this particular night had their minds set on Korean food for dinner. Which they discussed in Mandarin, beforehand.

As lovebirds are wont to do, they can be seen preening each other lovingly. Mostly, they laugh a lot. If laughter is health, as my grandmother used to say, then these two are among the healthiest.

They’re both into photography, particularly street & urban. They get the world of digital and Instagram. They get our project. They get love.


Let the light shine on🎉 25-year Vow Renewal at the Discovery Centre, Fort Henry (Kingston) with Barb & Eric


Love in Motion. Literally.